Sunday, January 11, 2009

One year later...

Well, it's been quite some time since I last posted; having been "too busy" seems an unjust excuse though an accurate summary of the pace of life these last few months.

January 2009 marks two milestones of particular significance: 1) It has now been one full year since I joined the never-a-dull-moment pace of the Toronto events industry as the Event Coordinator at Downsview Park, and 2) January marks the close of my latest and longest event to date - Trail of Lights (, Canada's largest walk-through holiday light show - after 34 consecutive evenings.

2009 is already shaping up with many exciting events and festivals - some I am planning, some I am planning on attending. My experiences with both will be featured here.

My Bio

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Special Event Coordinator Trained and experienced professional event coordinator specializing in event logistics and coordination for large-scale concerts, festivals, client and special events. Experience preparing: site plans, event schedules, budgets, critical paths, capital and operating budgets, and post-event reports. Proficient with sourcing and managing vendors and suppliers (RFPs, catering, audio visual, décor, entertainment, logistics, travel, etc.). Event marketing background includes planning and executing comprehensive print, radio, television, viral and social media campaigns as well as experience designing and distributing event materials (signage, tickets, brochures). Competent leader - hiring, training and leading teams of event coordinators and volunteers.